luxury handbags & accessories


Find the right luxury designer handbag for you at Queen Bee of Beverly Hills. With our amazing collection of Fendi, Gucci, Miu Miu, Prada, Saint Laurent, Hester van Eeghen, Tom Ford, and Balenciaga handbags, you will have no issue finding the most fashionable and unique bags for you or for someone you love. 
Prada Peonia Pink Vitello Phenix Leather Double Zip Crossbody 1BH079 at_Queen_Bee_of_Beverly_Hills

List Price: $2,625.00 List Price: $3,325.00

Versace Red Leather Medusa Quilted Drawstring Shoulder Bag DBFI173S at_Queen_Bee_of_Beverly_Hills

List Price: $1,295.00 List Price: $1,625.00

Saint Laurent Sac Army Black Canvas Messenger Bag 553972 at_Queen_Bee_of_Beverly_Hills

List Price: $1,200.00 List Price: $1,350.00

Balenciaga Arena Blue Lambskin Leather Backpack Bag 620260 at_Queen_Bee_of_Beverly_Hills

List Price: $950.00 List Price: $1,895.00